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Thank you everyone for a wonderful camp 2024!

Enjoy some photos from camp (thank you Matt Minde!) and stay tuned for information about summer 2025. We can't wait to see you again!

Camp is open to students in grades 3-12  on orchestral string and band instruments who have had at least one year of lessons or school classes. If you have any additional questions about camp or student readiness, reach out via the contact page or

Download registration forms HERE!

Scholarship form HERE!

Then mail your completed forms to us at P.O. Box 4, Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Come join us at the YSYOA summer music camp where you can learn from professional musicians, play in different ensembles, and explore chamber music. Some of our camp activities include:

- Instrumental workshops: Masterclasses during the week will focus on technique and musical expression.

- Large ensemble rehearsals: Students will be assigned to an ensemble based on age and level. Each group will perform at the final concert at the end of the camp.

- Chamber music: Advanced students have the opportunity to participate in chamber ensembles which will also perform on our grand finale.

These are just some of the camp activities that you can look forward to at YSYOA summer music camp. Don't miss this chance to have a musical adventure this summer!


About Us

Program Founder Shirley Mullins founded the YSSMC 58 years ago and still has her personality on this local treasure. Shirley started and built the orchestra program in YS to one modeled around the country. A nationally known music educator, clinician, writer, and speaker, Shirley has touched the lives of so many through the years helping to instill in them a life-long love of music.


Camp brings kids who love music together with passionate teachers for a week of fun making music and memories together.

Summer Camp welcomes orchestral string and wind band players who have at least one year of experience either with a school program or private lessons.


Our Teachers

Simone Stave Demarzi grew up in Yellow Springs as one of Shirley’s first cello students in the early ‘60s. She studied cello with Shirley Mullins for 10 years. She got her BS in Elementary Ed from IU, Bloomington. She taught strings classes to 3rd-5th graders over many years in Waldorf Schools in CA. She started teaching cello privately at age 16 and continued teaching private lessons to beginner and intermediate cello students until her recent retirement. She played in a family piano trio for many years. Now she enjoys the musical activities of YS.

Simone Stave Demarzi

Brian Mayer started as the band, orchestra, and guitar teacher for Yellow Springs Schools in 2013. Although trained as a horn player at Northern Illinois University, he is a multi-instrumentalist who plays over two dozen instruments, Brian currently holds the solo tenor horn seat in the Dublin Silver Brass Band in Dublin, Ohio. Brian resides in YS with his wife and daughter and enjoys cooking, biking, and playing music.

Brian Mayer

Michelle Mastin holds degrees from CCM, Eastman, and the San Francisco Conservatory. As a teacher, she has worked with students of all ages and levels from very young beginners to adults. Michelle is a member of the Greater Dayton Suzuki Association as well as board member with the Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association. She also serves as adjunct professor of viola at Cedarville university and conducts the Dayton Philharmonic Junior Strings. Her students are involved in local youth orchestras in Springfield and Dayton. She and her family live on a farm just north of the village with a whole lot of chickens and a pig named Leonard.

Michelle Mastin

Marna Street has retired to Yellow Springs after being principal violist of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra for 37 years. She was in the Oxford Quartet while teaching at Miami University. Currently, she is involved in YS Chamber Music programming and plays with the YS strings. Marna is becoming increasingly involved in string education in her home on Xenia Ace close to the Antioch College. She is a graduate of the Julliard School of Music and studies string pedagogy at the Eastman School of Music.

Marna Street

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